We’re here to help


DVA’s Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP) provides a wide range of products and services for self-help and rehabilitation purposes. These include assistive aids, personal hygiene aids, therapeutic aids, home modifications and falls prevention products. The aim of the program is to restore or maintain your independence and to minimise disability or dysfunction. The types of appliances available under this program include:

  • Assistive aids such as wheeled walkers, beds (hospital), chairs (high back, lift), lifting hoists, showering or toileting aids, pressure care, powered and manual wheelchairs and mobility scooters
  • Personal hygiene aids including continence products (disposable and re-usable) and bidets
  • Therapeutic aids including compression stockings and upper limb/hand therapy products
  • Home modifications including hand rails and modifications to bathrooms, toilets and home entrances to provide safe and suitable access

As an eligible veteran, you simply need to discuss with your General Practitioner who can then refer directly to Living to the Max Occupational Therapy Services. Referrals can also be accepted from Local Medical Officers, hospital discharge planning staff and inpatient Occupational Therapists.

Veteran Services

What is Occupational Therapy (OT)?

OT is all about working with you to enhance your ability to engage in the activities of everyday life. Put simply, it is maintaining your independence and quality of life.

DVA funded OT services may include the prescription of appropriate aids and/or home modifications or working with you to assist in managing physical, social or psychological issues.

Early invention is paramount to successful preventative healthcare and maintaining your daily function and independence. Below is general information regarding eligibility, the referral process, our service areas and common issues whereby OT intervention can assist.

Do you have reduced mobility or at risk of falls?

We will undertake an initial assessment at your home and look to prescribe assistive/mobility aids and/or home modifications as required. We may recommend physio or exercise physiology for improved strength/balance if appropriate (in consultation with your GP). Review as required.

Are you socially isolated?

We will undertake and initial assessment at your home to determine your needs and source social support services/networks to support those needs. Review as required.

Do you have arthritis?

We will undertake an initial assessment and provide joint protection information and advice regarding assistive aids and supportive splinting. Gentle ranging/strengthening exercises will also be considered. Review as required.

Are you suffering from poor nutrition?

We will undertake an in-home assessment of any functional limitations, provide education on meal preparation and assistive techniques/aids, and consider meal services if appropriate. We may on-refer to a Dietician if required (in consultation with GP). Review as required.

Are you at risk of pressure wounds?

We will undertake an initial in-home assessment including your environment and risk of pressure injury. We will develop a care plan, implement and reassess. Consideration of nursing/wound specialist, physio or dietician in consultation with GP. Review as required.

Have you suffered a stroke?

We will undertake an Initial assessment in liaison with in-patient stroke team. We will develop a care plan, including upper limb rehabilitation, performance of daily activities and coordination of support services as required. Review as required.

Do you suffer from incontinence?

We will undertake an initial assessment and prescribe continence aids as required. We will liaise with your GP re: possible medical causes and, in consultation with GP, recommend referral to physio (pelvic strengthening) and/or dietician if required. Consideration of environmental factors and mobility will also take place. Review as required.

Are you having difficulties performing daily tasks?

Undertake an initial assessment and provide recommendations regarding task modification, assistive aids and support services. We will coordinate intervention and supports to maximise your independence. Review as required.

Do you have cognition issues?

We will undertake standardised cognitive assessments, observe your function and consult with family/carers. We will develop a customised intervention plan, implement and review as required.

Do you suffer from psychological issues/PTSD?

We will undertake an initial assessment to inform development of intervention plan, in liaison with other health practitioners. Coordination of supports to address trauma triggers and assist you to increase participation in meaningful roles and activities. Review as required.

Do you have vision/hearing issues?

We will undertake motor and/or sensory assessment to determine your function. We will link in with support services and prescribe assistive aids as required. We will consider environmental factors specific to visual impairment/hearing deficiencies. Review as required.

Is your primary carer coping ok?

We will undertake an assessment to determine your function and evaluate impact on your primary carer. We will discuss support options, including respite services and coordinate, pending agreement of family.

Are you currently in hospital?

We will undertake a home assessment upon discharge to ensure you are well supported at home. We will prescribe and coordinate assistive aids and/or home modifications as required. Review as required

Do you have a permanent physical disability?

We will undertake an initial assessment to determine function and prescribe support services, assistive/mobility aids and/or home modifications to enhance independence. We will recommend and liaise with other health care professionals if required. Review as required.

Who is eligible?

All Gold Card holders are eligible for services under this scheme. White Card holders are eligible where the service is necessary for the management of an accepted disability. You can find out more information by reading the RAP factsheet

For those who don’t have a white or gold card, there are services available through either of:

  • Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (SRCA) or
  • Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA)

For further information about your entitlements, you can contact the Advocacy and Welfare office at RSL SA. Their details are:
RSL Advocacy and Welfare
ANZAC House, Torrens Training Depot
Victoria Drive, Adelaide
Phone: 8100 7300
Email: advocate@rslsa.org.au

Our service areas

We provide home-based services to the greater Adelaide area and Adelaide Hills.

Our Services

Assistive Technology/Aids

Whether it's for mobility, safety, communication or participation, be sure to get the right advice.

Home Modifications

From grab rails to major renovations to new builds, we have the expertise to ensure it's done right.

Supported Accommodation Assessments

We can determine your support & accommodation needs, including Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) needs.

Wheelchair seating & postural assessments

SA's leading expert in posture management & seating for those with complex disabilities & spinal injuries.

Manual person transfer assessments & plans

To ensure the safety of carers when lifting or transferring persons.

Pressure care management

We can help with the prevention & management of pressure ulcers.

Hospital Discharge Planning

In the transition from hospital to home, we can ensure the appropriate supports are in place.

Neurological Rehabilitation & Therapy

A wide range of upper limb treatments in-home, in-clinic or virtually via video conference.


We specialise in manual handling, carer training & disability access for businesses & commercial settings

Functional Capacity Assessments

We can assess your ability to function from day to day & prepare a plan to maximise your independence.

Therapy Clinic

A full range of assessment & therapy services are available in-clinic. Hoist transfers available.

Mental Health, Autism & Sensory Processing

We understand the challenges as they relate to mental illness, autism and sensory processing, and we’re here to help.

Enquire Today

You choose. In-home, In-clinic or Virtual Appointments Available.

Or call (08) 8331 0566

Registered & experienced NDIS Provider

You choose. In-home, In-clinic or Virtual Appointments Available.

(08) 8331 0566

(08) 8331 0277


Level 1/291 The Parade, Beulah Park, SA, 5067

M-F: 9:00am to 5:00pm