Living to the Max Occupational Therapy recognises that many of the clients of Living to the Max Occupational Therapy are at risk of incidents and accidents. This policy seeks to:

  • Minimise risk and prevent future incidents through the development of appropriate client centred plans, staff training, assessment and review.
  • Ensure that there is immediate management of an incident, accident or emergency and that each of these events are appropriately prioritised, managed and investigated.
  • Identify opportunities to improve the quality of participant supports by ensuring that the Accident/Incident system is planned and coordinated, and links to the quality and risk management systems.
  • To maintain an incident management system that covers incidents that consist of acts, omissions, events or circumstances that:
  • Occur in connection with providing supports or services to a person with disability; and
  • Have, or could have, caused harm to the person with disability.




Incident Management

Living to the Max Occupational Therapy has established procedures that identify, manage and resolve incidents, including the following:

  • Completion of an Incident Report that identifies and records the incidents
  • Staff are to report incidents to the Managing Director and/or Director
  • The Managing Director and/or Director is responsible for reporting incidents that are reportable incidents to the appropriate regulatory body (eg NDIS Commission).
  • Living to the Max Occupational Therapy will comply with National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable) Rules 2018
  • Support and assist the participant affected by an incident through;
    • Informing them that they have access to an advocate, if the participant does not have an advocate then Managing Director and/or Director can assist them to access an independent advocate.
    • Reviewing their health status to assist and support.
    • Reviewing the environment to ensure their safety and to prevent any recurrence.
    • Make sure that their well-being is supported and help with the development of their confidence and competence, so that they do not lose any functions.
  • Managing Director and/or Director or their delegate will review the incident with the participant.
  • Living to the Max Occupational Therapy will collaborate with the person to manage and resolve the incident.
  • This information will be used to alter practices and be inputted into continuous improvement as required;
  • When an investigation by the registered NDIS provider is required to establish the causes of a particular incident, its effect and any operational issues that may have contributed to the incident occurring, and the nature of that investigation.
  • If an incident requires corrective action to be undertaken, then a plan will be developed to adjust practices according to the nature of that action required.


Incidents, Accidents and Emergencies Principles

  • Living to the Max Occupational Therapy staff will always respond to incidents and accidents by ensuring that they protect themselves first and respond to the incident or accident within their training and qualifications.
  • Staff are not to provide active medical assistance unless they are properly trained.
  • Staff are required to contact the Managing Director and/or Director immediately when an incident occurs.
  • Staff will ensure they communicate with the client and appropriate health and management personnel in an emergency.
  • The Managing Director and/or Director or their delegate may seek expert advice and engage experts/consultants or specialists where a major incident is occurring or has occurred.
  • Living to the Max Occupational Therapy will support a transparent approach when responding to an incident that places the client /staff member central to the response. This includes the process of open discussion and ongoing communication with the client and staff member.
  • Living to the Max Occupational Therapy will create a “fair workplace culture” where it is safe to report incidents and where a systems approach to incidents and investigation is used.
  • Living to the Max Occupational Therapy will maintain participant and staff’s right to confidentiality and privacy.


Incident / Accident Minimisation

  • Living to the Max Occupational Therapy will risk assess all clients in conjunction with the Living to the Max Occupational Therapy’s Risk Management policy.
  • Risks will be identified together with the client and control mechanisms agreed upon.
  • Living to the Max Occupational Therapy staff will implement participant specific risk control mechanisms.
  • Effectiveness of mechanisms will be reviewed via:
    • Participant review processes
    • Participant’s feedback
    • Case Conferencing
    • Internal Audits, and/or
    • Review of policies and procedures.


Incident / Accident Investigation

  • Investigate incident and accidents in accordance with the process listed within the “Incident Form” to determine:
    • The immediate reasons for the event.
    • The basic reasons for the event.
    • Immediate actions require to fix the reasons for the event.
    • Preventive actions required for the future.
  • The information gained from incidents, Living to the Max Occupational Therapy will be incorporate into our Continuous Improvement cycle to enable prevention of the incident or accident in the future.
  • Analysis will include:
    • Determining the cause of the incident
    • Reasoning; why this occurred – environmental factors, participant’s health
    • Ascertain if strategies or processes need review and improvement
    • Devising new strategies or processes
    • Plan for staff training in these new strategies
    • Implementing new strategies, and
    • Review new strategies
  • Implement corrective actions and evaluate actions as soon as possible to check for effectiveness as per Continuous Improvement Policy – Plan, Do, Check, Act
  • All Incident Forms must be closed out by the Managing Director and/or Director


Informing Participants

Living to the Max Occupational Therapy will inform participants or their advocate about the outcome of the incident in writing or verbally; dependent on the participant and the situation. A collaborative practice will be undertaken to ensure that the participant and their advocate are involved in the management and resolution of the incident.


Staff Training

Living to the Max Occupational Therapy recognises the importance of prevention to ensure the safety of both employee and participant. Our Orientation Process includes training in work health and safety comprising manual handling, infection control, safe environments, risk and hazard reduction.

Upon commencement, staff are trained in organisational processes including how to report an incident and to whom this is to be reported. Staff have access to policies and procedures at all times.

Staff are trained in how to report incidents to the Managing Director and/or Director.


Reportable Incidents (NDIS)

The Managing Director and/or Director is responsible for reporting all Reportable Incidents to the regulatory body, including the NDIS Commission (where required).

Reportable incidents are serious incidents or allegations, which result in harm to a client.

Living to the Max Occupational Therapy as a registered NDIS provider must report serious incidents (including allegations) to the NDIS Commission, arising from the organisation’s service provision;

  • The death of an NDIS client.
  • Serious injury of an NDIS client.
  • Abuse or neglect of an NDIS client.
  • Unlawful sexual or physical contact with or assault of an NDIS client.
  • Sexual misconduct committed against or in the presence of an NDIS client, including grooming of the NDIS client for sexual activity.
  • The unauthorised use of a restrictive practice in relation to an NDIS client.


Reportable Incident Procedure

  • Immediately notify the Managing Director and/or Director.
  • Follow procedure as per Incident/Accident policy (as above).
  • The Managing Director and/or Director will notify the NDIS Commission within 24 hours of being made aware of the reportable incident reportable – incidents@ndiscommission.gov.au
  • Assessment of the incident by the Managing Director and/or Director to:
  • Assess the impact on the NDIS client.
  • Whether the incident could have been prevented.
  • How the incident was managed.
  • What, if any, changes are required to prevent further similar events occurring.

All incidents are to be recorded and actions taken to respond and prevent them happening again.



  • Training Needs Analysis
  • Orientation Checklist
  • Employment Checklist
  • Risk Management Policy



  • Work Health and Safety Act (2011)
  • NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators 2018
  • NSW Disability Inclusion Act and Regulation (2014)
  • Privacy Act (1988)
  • NDIS (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules (2018)