By taking a proactive approach to your health and wellbeing, there is overwhelming evidence that preventative measures significantly reduce the incidence of injury and often lengthy hospital stays. That is where we can help.

Our team of Occupational Therapists have extensive experience in assessing your home environment – or that of a loved one – to maintain independence, minimise falls risk, improve general home safety and, most importantly, maximise your quality of life.

From the relocation of floor mats and advice on lighting through to the installation of grab rails and access ramps, we take great pride in ensuring your safety through expert advice and, where required, the prescription of appropriate home modifications and/or assistive aids and equipment. Most importantly, it means receiving the right advice from experienced professionals – staff who will take the time to consult with you or a loved one, not dictate solutions.

It’s about understanding what’s important to you in getting the most out of each and every day. We can then help you undertake those activities of daily living as independently and as safely as possible. You can see our list of services below.

Additional Information

Evaluation and Support Services
Living in the comfort of your own home is an important part of maintaining your independence while you grow older.For some however, this may become difficult without extra support. From the evaluation of your needs through to funded supports that are available, we’ re here to help.
Falls Risk and Home Safety Assessments

A comprehensive assessment of your home environment. Often, points of discussion will include:

  • The safety of floor coverings, internal/external walkways and stairs
  • Accessibility of regularly used items in the kitchen and laundry
  • Potential risks when toileting, showering and/or bathing
  • Lighting, particularly around walkways, stairs and access to night time toileting
  • External access to and from the home
  • Accessibility of clotheslines, garages and sheds
  • Safety of decks/verandahs and inspection of existing ramps and/or safety rails

For a fixed fee of $295, we will:

  1. Travel to and from your home within the Adelaide metro area
  2. Undertake a comprehensive home assessment with an emphasis on falls prevention, home safety and managing your daily living
  3. Provide a written summary of recommendations aimed at maximising your level of independence and home safety, including the prescription of

We welcome your enquiry to discuss our falls prevention services. Please contact us here or complete our referral form and we will be pleased to contact you to discuss.

Private Health insurance rebates are available with extras cover inclusive of occupational therapy. A Medicare rebate of $52.95 is also available if referred by your GP as part of a team care plan, reducing your out of pocket expense to $242.05*.

*You are unable to attract a rebate from both your Private Health insurer and Medicare for the same appointment. Please speak with your Private Health insurer regarding your eligibility and the associated rebate available for occupational therapy.

Do you have a My Aged Care package?

We can provide occupational therapy services as part of your government funded home care package with no out of pocket expense.

Should you require occupational therapy,this will be identified as part of your package. You may elect for your home care package provider(the organisation coordinating your package) to provide and/or source occupational therapy services on your behalf. However,a benefit of your aged care package is that you have complete control over who provides you with individual services. This is regardless of who is managing your package and they are obligated to follow your instructions.

If you have received positive feedback about our services from friends or family or should you prefer the independence of a third party provider, we would be happy to help. You can simply ask your package provider to send us a referral or you can contact us here or complete our referral form. Upon completion of any services, all invoices will be sent to your package provider.

Health Rebates


We are a Medicare provider for occupational therapy. Medicare provides claimed benefits for chronic medical conditions and for clients with complex care needs. Eligible patients are entitled to Medicare benefits for up to five (5) Allied Health consults (including occupational therapy) per year.

To be eligible for Medicare benefits, you will require a referral for Occupational Therapy services from your GP under what is known as a team care plan. Normally, a gap payment will be required, particularly for in-home services.

At the conclusion of our services, our occupational therapist will report back to your GP as per the referral requirements.

Private Health insurance

We can provide occupational therapy services on a fee for service basis to any private client, regardless of whether you have private health cover. If you have relevant extras cover, you may be eligible for a rebate through your private health fund. Please contact your health fund to confirm your eligibility and we are very happy to supply your fund with the required information to streamline your claim.

Our Services

Assistive Technology/Aids

Whether it's for mobility, safety, communication or participation, be sure to get the right advice.

Home Modifications

From grab rails to major renovations to new builds, we have the expertise to ensure it's done right.

Supported Accommodation Assessments

We can determine your support & accommodation needs, including Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) needs.

Wheelchair seating & postural assessments

SA's leading expert in posture management & seating for those with complex disabilities & spinal injuries.

Manual person transfer assessments & plans

To ensure the safety of carers when lifting or transferring persons.

Pressure care management

We can help with the prevention & management of pressure ulcers.

Hospital Discharge Planning

In the transition from hospital to home, we can ensure the appropriate supports are in place.

Neurological Rehabilitation & Therapy

A wide range of upper limb treatments in-home, in-clinic or virtually via video conference.


We specialise in manual handling, carer training & disability access for businesses & commercial settings

Functional Capacity Assessments

We can assess your ability to function from day to day & prepare a plan to maximise your independence.

Therapy Clinic

A full range of assessment & therapy services are available in-clinic. Hoist transfers available.

Mental Health, Autism & Sensory Processing

We understand the challenges as they relate to mental illness, autism and sensory processing, and we’re here to help.

Enquire Today

You choose. In-home, In-clinic or Virtual Appointments Available.

Or call (08) 8331 0566

Registered & experienced NDIS Provider

You choose. In-home, In-clinic or Virtual Appointments Available.

(08) 8331 0566

(08) 8331 0277

Level 1/291 The Parade, Beulah Park, SA, 5067

M-F: 9:00am to 5:00pm